Nintendo has balls. They finally created a game for all guys and not just little kids.

User Rating: 10 | Touch Dictionary DS
Okay wow lets get this over with, nintendo had to have balls to come up with a name like Touch Dic lol lol lol lol ha ha haaaaa.

This game is very pleasurable. The best part is the game is single and multiplayer although at the end wether you play with a friend which i hope is a girl the feeling turns out to be just the same.

If you've never played touch dic before and really want to no wat its like then go to google and search for dic. Youll instantly no wat to do.

If you have a friend with you preferably a girl then invite them to play with you. all you do is have your freind touch your... I'm sorry we interupt this review with more reveiw THis game is FUN.

Tricked you in that last paragraph huh.

the graphics are amazing you probably wont think your playing a game but trust me you are.

Overall this game is just another cute and innocent digital dictionary.