The diffilcuty is just right, and is ADDICTIVE This game is truly Addictive.Definatley make a century.

User Rating: 8.5 | Touch Cricket IOS
This game is great for the Iphone.

You will never want to put it down.
Controls are slightly tricky at the start but in the end it is very easy and understandable. Basically the controls are noob proof

Many game modes and is very competitive.
To 20 twenty games to the ashes this game has many game modes.

The makers On-sea have said that soon they will add a career mode so you can be a actual cricketer and work your way up the ranks.
The bad things about this game is that people rate it only 1 star cuz they dont know how to work the controls. idiots. I was the first one to buy this game and i want it to progress and make loads of money.

Spent many many hours on it now. And have had it for about 3 months.

Its truly a masterpiece.