Quality expansion to a quality game

User Rating: 9 | Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai PC
Shogun 2 Rise Of The Samurai is a downloadable expansion for the original game Total War Shogun 2 from the very talented team Creative Assembly, it takes the original idea back 400 years to 12th century Japan 1175 and the Gempei War where four major clans/families are fighting, backstabbing and bargaining for control of Japan and ultimate rule.

Each family is divided into two parts where you can support your 'sister' branch (or not) with lots of little clans to get to swear their allegiance to you with the right methods or destroy them.

All the units have had a overhaul with four new types of agents at your disposal that all become very handy at times, The Shirabyoshi (uses seduction and distraction) The Sou (uses religion and pacification) The Junsatsushi (uses charm and forcefulness) and the The Monomi (uses covert ninja like tactics and espionage) to sway the other clans/familys to your way.

The generals all have the ability to use bow as well as Katana (sword) in battles and the whole peasents/samurai pecking order has been rejigged with suitable replacements for the time period.

There is four new Hero types for expansion,the Naginata Warrior Monk Hero, the Tetsubo Warrior Monk Hero, the Mounted Samurai Hero and the Onna Bushi Heroine who can be utterly devasting on the battlefield when used right.

The graphics of this game is beyond excellent, you can zoom in and see all the individual soldiers fighting for their lives in their distinctive Gempei-period armour which adds a fresh new style to this expansion. The campaign map has had a lot of touching up with an incredible amount of detail.

The sound is top notch with classical Japanese themed music for all situations, that really adds to the immersion factor that keeps me playing for hours on end.

The AI is great at mounting invasions, bargaining for ceasefires and generally being challenging all round which makes the game more enjoyable and fun.

I paid £5.99 for this on Steam and so far its been worth every penny, i will continue to support this company for bringing out such quality products.

I hope they will release more expansions for this game and then i have my fingers crossed that they bring out Rome 2, if they do i will be very busy


Great stuff CA!