For a long-time off and on TW fan, this is a great one...

User Rating: 8.5 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
I'll keep this brief...

Great game with some caveats...

For what it's worth I put 130 hours into this game with a buddy so it's certainly not an unenjoyable experience, but it leaves you wishing the campaign AI was more challenging as winning a campaign is ultimately an unsatisfying, grind to the end exerpience.

Great time period for a TW game.
Co-op campaign play(great for slower paced RTS fans)
Addictive as ever at the campaign level.
Battles can be absolutely riveting.

AI is smarter than other TW series, but it's still needs serious improvement. It's too easy to gain the upperhand by employing basic strategy in battle. It's also not nearly aggressive enough in the campaign mode. It hardly ever employs agents. Ends up being navy poor because it never reduces naval units when financially strained.

Sea battles are frustratingly difficult due to terrible path finding

Co-op is limited to turn based campaign, hamstrung by some annoying bugs(still), and unit count battle limitations means you'll never have two full separately controlled armies on a battlefield anyway.

Good effort though by CA. Far less buggy than some of their previous releases.