this game is the best in the series in my opinion. having a lengthy campaign, fun multiplayer and fun custom battles.

User Rating: 9.5 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
first of all shogun 2 total war is great game but is more enjoyable if you have a good PC so that you could enjoy every part of the game. lets start with custom battles, you choose a map and a mode (naval,siege or land) and choose the time then you create the armies of both allies and enemies giving you the ability to customize your own battles. you have various sword spear bow cavalry naval and siege units. you also have many clans in which each clan has his benefits.
now going to the campaign, you choose a clan and build your cities and region and you form trade agreements between you and other clans. i played the game on legendary which gives you a challenge suitable for any strategy lover. you can hire geisha and ninjas to assassinate and metsukes to bribe and monks to make revolts. but the campaign is not that easy since at certain points you will become a threat causing a realm divide which turns almost all clans against you causing you to fight at all fronts. you also get get to make alliances and vassals and assign commissioners for clan. you can also adopt sons, assign heirs, marriage people between clans and even change clan religion.
now to the multiplayer, you get the avatar conquest which is really enjoyable and you can just say the same thing for mutiplayer battles.
you also get an options called historical battles which allows you to play battles that really happened in 14th and 15th century japan..
the game developers wont let get bored(although you wont),it gives you more and more DLC contents starting by the ikko ikki DLC which gives you a new clan and religion for you to enjoy.
its a great game and i think its worth every penny