A good game that need patches

User Rating: 6 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
I never played the first shogun. But loved Medieval and rome. Medieval 2 and empire had huge problems in the begining. But is fine to play now i think. So what does that make to shogun 2?

Shogun has some problem. Sometimes it crash, the graphic start to melt down occasionally. But this will be fixed with some patches. Nevertheless it start to annoy me. Why on earth do they release a broken game?

The AI is alo quite bad in my opinion. As in empire, they often declare war and then just sit there and do nothing while you just take over province after province. Some of the more agressive clans though can put up a fight though wich is fun. But why start a war when you just are going to sit there and wait?

Nevertheless I really like the different clans and their mentality. As I said some are peacefull, while some are more agressive or ambitious. Plus you have the shogunate. My first game I thoght it was real easy. and clan after clan fell before my might. But then the shogunate started to notice my growing strength. And declared me an outlaw. Then I had al the clans against me. And no one to trade. And I was doomed.

Next game. I took it more carefully. I expanded slowly. tried to manage the other clans so they didn´t grew to strong. Made some vassals to deny my "allies" and or enemies to expand. open trade routs and protecting sea trade from pirates or enemy clans. Then it was real fun to play. Even though the AI occasinally broke agreement randomly and so on. Just to accept them the next turn.

The battles are okay. Again the AI is a bit strange. and it is easy to beat them. even with low level troops. Often they just charge in with the cavalry head on. Then they send in bowmen and infrantry. When some of them start to rout or just before. They send in their generall... also head on. He dies and everyone rout. It dosent really matter if the AI is defending or attacking. Rarley they tries to flank you and use ambushes. Sometimes they try to use high level terrain. But it is then easy to intercept them while they are rushing to get there. And pick them off one at a time.

The game is looking real good though. And after a bit of patches it will be a real good solid game tough. And I will look foward to play some mods as well. I haven´t try multiplayer though. But I could also have waited a month or to. Because it is some obvious flaws. Wich drags the game down.