same game, different name

User Rating: 8 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
don't get me wrong, out of all the total war series this one is pretty well polished. from what i can tell there are almost no bugs and they got the game play down pretty well with the age-frame it try's to re-create. BUT it dose seem like the same ol game iv been playing for the past 10 or so years. over all its a very good game, but to me in this day and age with so many block-buster games coming out you have to put a little more on the table than a new age-frame. sorry, but it just feels like the same game. i will say this, if another total war comes out i wont buy it unless it brings a whole lot of new ideas, game play, and personality. again, i am not trying to bring a good game down. i merely wish it didn't feel like i was re-playing something for another 50-60 dollars. it almost feels as if im paying to play a modification of N-TW or E-TW, but with a snazzy campaign.