Almost perfect single player but an extremely buggy and glitch filled multiplayer

User Rating: 6.5 | Total War: Shogun 2 PC
Can't really compare this game to the others as it is totally different in every way, even the main menu is different. The campaign is great and there is not much more to be said about it, but where it fails is the multiplayer.

The avatar creation system is good - but it a bug makes it so your customisable armour doesn't work

The clan system is interesting and adds a new type of gameplay - But there is hardly any explanation on how it works and there are bugs which affect the leaderboard system

The avatar conquest is good - But you can't see anybodies games on the battle list, so you're forced to play a match-made or team match made battle (quick battle as known in previous Total War games)

Match made games are quick and fun (sometimes) - But the game glitches and puts you in a game you didn't want (for example you wanted a land battle it puts you in a sea battle). It also has a bug where it says "invalid army" but doesn't specify how it is invalid therefore you cant start the game and oh wait THERES NO LEAVE BUTTON!

That's right folks, you can't see any battles on the battle list so you are forced to choose an AI made battle, the AI made one puts you in a sea battle even though you wanted a land battle, it then doesn't let you start because of an "invalid army" but it doesn't let you leave.

Im sure after a few MILLION updates and patches they will fix these constant bugs but until then Shogun 2 will not have reached its full potential.

I have only scratched the surface on the amount of bugs and glitches in this game, if you would like to see more click here:
to go to the Shogun official forums

*EDIT* The game has had many patches, a few bugs still remain but for the most part this game has been greatly improved!