Broken AI plus tons of other problems makes this game a pain to play.

User Rating: 4 | Total War: Rome II PC
The entire game is broken,From the Loading Screens to the AI to Diplomacy,EVERYTHING.I cant believe this was given an 8/10 by the major review sites.The AI does stupid stuff all the time.If you are defending a city the AI just tries to push through your units to cap the flag and that is it..That is just what they do.They dont use complicated plans or anything.Also the Battle system for one on one combat is also spoiled due to ridiculous Cap points on the battle map.WHY would you have one on a battle map with no city.It does not make sense and makes it soo harder to Play smartly,Instead you just have to sit around the cap in a circle and defend it.Rome 2 is an utter disappointment and dont even get me started on the Day 1 DLC..I mean how dare you sell an incomplete totally broken game that should be in Beta and then sell us a DLC for the damn game..They just removed the features that SHOULD have been in the game and kept it as day 1 DLC. This game is a Disgrace to the Rome Total War series and needs urgent Patches.Until then I advise everyone to stay clear from this game.