It does not worth a penny. I uninstalled it and re-installed the first Rome. Wow,that is an epic game! Actual Score: 3.0

User Rating: 1 | Total War: Rome II PC
Before patches I would give it a 3/8 because it is unfinished. (a basic game that is not good but works is a 5/10)
If they just patch it and do not add all the missing parts it will be a generous 6/10.
BUT the fact that CA is keep lying up till this moment about the game, making me feel like an idiot that I pre-ordered I will give a score of 1/10.

So to sum it up:

Score pre-patched: 3/10
post-patch (if they just fix the current issues): 6/10
Moral score: 1/10

Another thing that I want to mention. I re-installed the first Rome because I wanted to see if it was as I remembered it. Sometimes we are just sentimental on some games or time distorts our perception of how good or bad past experiences truly were. Maybe Rome 2 is just a victim of formula fatigue or something similar. Unfortunately this is not the case. I was re-impressed of Rome 1 , from the battles to the music and the little features that made it special. It is the definition of Epicness.
If you want to live the experience of Rome, there is only one way to do it. Choose your favorite mod for a little bit of variety and challenge and do not touch this Rome2MoneyGrabber.

Shame on the creators , not for the mediocre game, but for the lies and their overall stance.