At start another repeat of Empires release but with the right patches this game might be just be a lesser shogun

User Rating: 8.5 | Total War: Rome II PC
Initially the games release was a total shamble just like Empire total war with buggy game play and brain dead ai like angryjoe pointed out but with the 2 resent patches that were put in beta the games overall body has become something worth playing . The two patches that were released were a massive increase to the games performance with fixing the Fps as well as the once brain dead AI now has something close to 5 year old child intelligence . The turns that once took 5 min to wait to play now has been reduced to al least 30-40 sec depending on you 're computer . The AI will finally attack you without waiting around in your settlements like on release . The multiplayer still needs some fixing with de sync and lag .

Now with the well fixing and possibly adding features like the family tree the game might not be a Shogun 2 but something just little bit below it but way better than Empire and Napoleon given the right fixes . on release I give it 75 post patch after patch 1.5 and 2 I give it 88