It is a fact that Rome: TW2 is an amazing strategy game.

User Rating: 8 | Total War: Rome II PC
Maybe it is because I love strategy games, and it has been awhile since I have got my hands on a good one. But this game has impressed me from the start. I sat and stared at the screen for awhile when I first started a campaign to ingest it all. And I patiently fiddled with the battle and campaign map camera to get comfortable with the controls. After I felt comfortable I started playing battles (which are so awesome, they could easily be a standalone game with no campaign) and building my future empire. If you enjoyed any other TW game then this is an easy buy, as well as for anyone that is computer literate and enjoys history or historical fiction. Gameplay is one of a kind, there is no substitute in the industry for a game with this setting, graphics are great, and there is a lot to take in but it isn't incredibly complicated.

I am still nervous about some of the bugs that others have had issues with that have not arisen yet in my game. So far the only issue, which really isn't an issue, has been random frame rate drops.

I have yet to try multiplayer, but am definitely interested and think it will be good; even though I know there will be plenty of balance issues.