User Rating: 7.5 | Top Trumps: Doctor Who DS
This game looks pretty bad. I order it and waited and when i got it i was all happy. Mainly. The game is only fun for doctor who fans, so if your new to doctor who, look further. The mini games are OK, the gameplay is quite good, at first it may be a bit boring but its worth playing till the end. Its a bit to easy, and the adventure mode is quite short. It takes about 2-3 to finsh. The characters are cool, nice upgrades and diferent things that make the game more diffuclt or fun. IN classic mode they try to make it classic, but it dosent feel classic with the numbers, the characters and things that apper. Maybe in classic they should just have one card that appers and then you use it, no music or anything. Maybe a bit of classic music. The data core for the cards is nice, but mabye more cards would help. If your a doctor who fan who has a ds, check it out, if not, step away.
The multiplayer is very good for a ds game, it lets you play the actual game, not little mini games or different mods. The only multiplayer game that compares to the actual game is mario party. The multiplayer is defiently the best!!!!!!!!
Now the only thing to wait for is a adventure doctor who game, not top trumps......