Review of Top Spin 4

User Rating: 5 | Top Spin 4 X360
More Recent Players
Good Feel
Faster pace
Realistic Animations

Poor Graphics-Sometimes the tennis ball looks like a blur
Only Nadal and Roddick have signature moves
Roger Federer's serve is not a signature move
You can only create 4 characters at a time
You CANNOT play against your created player.
The Ball reacts the same on grass, clay, hardcourt and indoor.
In player creation you only have 2 types of services to choose from, only 4 different forehands, 3 backhands and 3 returns.
All the legends serve the same and hit the ball the same.
Sound effects- the grunts to not match the player.
Jumping forehand? When do you ever see that in professional tennis?
You can only pick between two different types of attire for each character.
The instruction manual is only 4 pages have to download the rest! LOL..are you serious?
Lastly..who is Eugenie Bauchard? I can't find her in the top 200!

I went out to Walmart at 12:00am and bought the game and its now 4:00am (luckily I don't have to work tomorrow!) so I thought I would review the game some.

First off I have to say the graphics do not look as good as Top spin 3 and the characters look old for some reason. Sampras looks like he is cross eyes and Novak looks like someone hit him upside the head with something and poor Bernard Tomic looks like he is 75 years old!

I haven't tried the tour yet, so I can't comment on that. However I went into the player creation part of the game and created Gael Monfils...when I got to the part to customize your characters game style I was SHOCKED! You only have a choice of two Service Motions, 4 Different forehands and 3 backhands and 3 return stances! Are you serious????? I still can't believe this! At least in Top Spin 3 you have about 15 different choices to choose from. This is definitely a BIG disappointment! How can you release a tennis game three years later and not even have the pre-existing moves and strokes that Top Spin 3 has? There is absolutely no excuse for this. I believe it is laziness on the developers part. So if you are looking to create players that are not in the Soldering...Gael Monfils..etc...don't look to find a similar serve or ground strokes...they don't exist!

So the BIG fuss and complaint with Top Spin 3 was that you couldn't play against your created player...well guess what? YOU STILL CANT!! That's right! After complaining to 2k sports, etc they still didn't get it right! What a let down. AND on top of that you can only create 4 characters at a time! Yup, I know, its a big disappointment all around!

Another big topic-Signature moves. THEY ARE NOT IN THE GAME! PERIOD! Sure Nadals serve and Roddick's serve looks like their serves in real life....but Federers? LOL...NO! Federer's serve is the generic serve they put in the game...along with Sampras' and Agassi's etc, etc. All the legends serve the same. What about Boris Becker's serve where he rocks back and forth? NOPE! Another generic serve! So here you have it...We don't have the signature styles, serves, moves and strokes that they promised us and said they had in the game. Flat out lies. This is a BIG - in my book! If you are going to make a "true to life" tennis simulation and back it up with "signature style moves, etc" then you better deliver...well, it didn't!

Sound effects- Whats up w/ the grunting? I'm sorry but Serena doesn't sound like that in real life.....she sounds more like Sharapova! LOL...I'm sorry but the grunting is lame in this doesn't even match the players...another minus.

Jumping Forehand- Um....question..when do you ever see a jumping forehand in a professional match? Who does that? I think I saw it once in my life time, but in this game the person jumps up in the air and his the forehand. Sorry, again, not realistic.

Eugenie Bouchard?...I couldn't find her in the top wonder she is not maxed out at 20, instead she is at even put a no name like that in the game...hell you could have put Kim C in the game!

Instructional manual..its only two pages! states you have to download the rest? WOW..really pushing the whole paperless green initiative aren't we?

I have to say I'm pretty disappointed in the game, so far. I like the game play though...the feel of play is nice! But when it comes to the signature moves not being in the limitations of the character not being able to play against your own created character and only being able to have 4 at a time...unrealistic grunts, etc ........I have to say this game falls short of all the hype. I'm sorry, but when I'm playing Agassi against Andy Murry and they both has the same looking serves and forehands and back hands...I can't really take this game serious and I definitely cannot agree with 2k sports when they say "its the most realistic tennis game to date"...its not!

I give it a 6/10. Sorry...maybe in 2014 they will finally create true to life tennis pros who actually mimic the real person! :-(