Top Spin 3 is more trouble than it's worth!

User Rating: 3 | Top Spin 3 PS3
I have but one message to the boofhead behind the control scheme...


This game looks and sounds great, but that's as far as it goes. Grab the controller and you're gonna find out that playing the game is going to be trials and tribulations just trying to return shots every time (let alone directing them), seriously this game is so not User-Friendly like it's original predicessor.
Until I played this game I thought getting licences on Gran Turismo was hell, but TS3 just overshadows that experience entirely taking the GT series title of "World's Most Annoyingly Realistic Simulation Game"!

If you are new to Top Spin... DON'T WASTE A CENT ON THIS GAME!

...Buy Sega's Virtua Tennis 3 instead.

This game requires a great deal of patience and determination in order to get used to the "Stupidly Unforgiving" Control scheme of this game.

Unfortunately this frastrating control setup is enough to turn one off the rest of Top Spin's latest advancements.

Some first-impression guys