Easily, The best Tony Hawk game.

User Rating: 10 | Tony Hawk's Underground PS2
What has happened to the Tony Hawk series? I tried playing that $120 piece of crap Tony Hawk Ride. I turned it off after 5 minutes of playing it. It was plain terrible. Remeber when the Tony Hawk games were fun and had a great story? I remeber picking up Tony Hawks Underground for the first time, and blown away of how much it was better than THPS4. When I went for a replay this month, the game still had that magic for me. It was funny, and had a good story. The game had that acardey feel that made it really fun. I still can't beat some of the missions on sick. They were hard 7 years ago, and they are still hard. I wish Actvision would go back to the basics, and make another TH game like this. I would buy it. Overall, if you have this game in your PS2 , give it another run. It will probaly still be fun for you.