This portable Tony Hawk game rules.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix PSP
Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix is a great game for the PSP,and totally fits the on the go gameplay.The game plays great,the levels are fun and interesting,the goals aren't too challenging,but deliver enough challenge for hardcore Tony Hawk fans.There is also a good amount of secret characters to unlock throughout the game.One thing I love about this game are the create modes which include create a graphic,create a skater,and create a goal.There are lots of clothing types for your created skater,which is cool.
Another great addition to this game is the extra four levels,which aren't included in the original.These extra four levels are also amazing.
My only complaints about this game are:
-there isn't much here for people who own the console game
-you nollie by pressing the O button,and the L button gets you off your board,where in Tony Hawks Project 8,you press L+R to get off your board
-The lack of create a park is a total shame.