Its a solid game.

User Rating: 7 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 PS2
Review for Tony hawks Project 8

Another Tony Hawk game, each one expected to exceed the next with capabilities. For some reason this one doesn't. The story-line is probably the worst yet - the goal being to become one of the best 8 skaters in the area to become part of Tony Hawks "Project 8". The only problem being, once you get to the best position, nothing in particular happens. You work through the levels (which arent continually streaming like in Amerian Wasteland) trying to do these stupid goals like "Try manualling about 200m around this impossible track with many corners".

They used motion capture on the real skaters for the "realistic" look. However realistic the actual kickflip looks, the continue to use the traditional "ollie as high as a house and more" attitude towards things, and when your ollie becomes better you can stay in the air for so long it's just stupid.

Additions like "Nail the Trick" mode (means that you can manually perform a trick in slow motion), and the new Am - Pro - Sick difficulty modes, at first seem a good idea but are generally a waste of time when you consider that the basic areas need improving. The graphics are pretty similar to the games before, some of the levels seem improved but the skaters remain ridiculously quickly made with very bad shape.

They have removed the Create-a-park mode, and have extremely limited the create-a-skater mode with 3 skin choices, and 3 faces to choose from. If you're looking for a complicated person maker, think again. Although the basic Tony Hawk game essence is there, it really is quite a dissappointment. Worse than the last few titles in this series, it seems like a quickly made, bad designed game with many repetitive tasks, boring levels and lack of story. This game was probably made quickly with a big focus on making the new PS3 game better.

Thanks for reading.