An overrated skateboarding game (see full review)

User Rating: 7 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 PS2
Wow i was pretty excited to pick this game up but when i played it i have to say i was little disappointed this has a short storyline that you can go through pretty quick if your a skateboard game player. the soundtrack is alright i guess ther is a few songs you might know, the difficulty is easy mayby just right and the storyline seems like every other skateboard game on the market the graphics are nothing flashy.ther is a new feature in this game i think its called create a trick when you have your momentem bar filled up you go into a slow motion were you can kick your board in different directions to make tricks i think its actually pretty cool... I would'nt recommend this game to any skateboarding fanatics unless you want to be disappointed so here's my chart to sum this up!

Gameplay 6.5/10
Graphics 7/10
Difficulty 7.5/10
Storyline 5/10

So my overall rating is 7/10 hope you found this helpful .......CobraAssassin39.