Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is one of the most challenging, yet most fun games I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Classics) XBOX
Ah. The Tony Hawk games. I grew up with these games, and they are still as fun as ever. Note also this game runs great on the Xbox 360. In The Tony Hawk games, you control famous skateboard pros like Tony Hawk[obviously] and others. Or you can create your own skater, which is just as fun. In the game, you skate through various levels and competitions, trying to set records and high scores and raise your stats. You skate through levels such as a suburban cauldisack, and an airport. The game is relatively short, and you can skate through the levels in about 5 to 6 hours, or even less, if you're a vet of the Tony Hawk games[like me] The graphics were revolutionary at the time, and still look very good, although a little outdated, You also skate to various songs on the soundtrack, which includes artists such as Alien Ant Farm. The soundtrack is actually pretty good, although a little more song choice would have been nice. Nontheless, most of the songs are actually pretty decent, surprisingly. The gameplay is pretty much self explanitory, but it's a safe bet to say that even if you are a vet to the games, there will still be a lot of new, if not familiar, challenges. And that is where the game falls flat. If you are not a vet to the series, good luck getting goals your first time. Even though I am a vet, it still took me a few days to get some of the other goals in the more challenging levels later in the game. The game also supports two player, if you want to verse a friend, or do some unique and fun challenges such as SKATE[you collect all the letters] or Horse, where you do the exact same thing the other player did. Even about 6 years later, it is still one of my favorite games of all time, and is one of the most memorable and challenging experiences I have ever experienced in a game. Even when you cruise through the levels, you can still try to unlock secret characters, boards, and tricks. Another great feature is the ability to create your own skatepark to skate in. However, good luck creating a great park, unless you are some sort of designer. Overall, you should definetly get this game. It is about 5 to 10 bucks right now, and you will still be popping it in a few years from now, skateboard fan or not. But with all of the other new skateboard games out, you might be better off getting one of those, unless you are REALLY short on money or like the older games better. Hoped my review helped :) Merry Christmas, and Happy gaming/