Although this game is ok,Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 was better,since it's hard to figure out how to do the right trick here

User Rating: 2.5 | Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 GBC
Representing a Tony Hawk game,this one isn't perfect.One huge problem is hard to explain,but I'll explain it.So,say you did a Melon,right?Then you executed it by pressing left and then A.But then,next time,you have to do it like this.You have to press right,and then A.WHAT?!Are you telling me that I have to remember to use the opposite button on the control pad every damn time?!Hell,they ARE!!!!That's gonna get annoying!!Especially because you have to do some goals were you have to do certain tricks in certain areas.Another annoying part is,there are no special tricks,so it's harder to get high scores.All the levels are big,and the ramps and rails poorly placed in the correct areas also make this game VERY STUPID!!!!!If only this was similar to Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2,which at least had a loop.Plus,the game had a good ammount of decks(a good ammount being 3),and this game doesn't have any!Why can't this game be more like the GBA version,which isn't that bad,but it can be a litttle repetitive.But,this game is REALLY repetitive!!!Well,this game is bull crap,so I wouldn't touch it.