This game sits right next to the "Dynasty Warriors" bin

User Rating: 7 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PC
Dynasty Warriors is brought up, and one might question why. Well that game and this one are incredibly similar in many ways. It has an addictive fun personality in multiplayer. You can spend a few hours with your friend checking out the 2-player coop modes, trying to see who can get the most kills...err I mean points.

But past that, others will watch you from afar wondering why the heck you're even bothering with the game. To start, the PC optimization is 'fairly poor' to say at best. The graphics aren't anything special and the frame-rate isn't constantly up there. In addition, it just looks...well.. ugly.

And even though it is 2008, using the "well why are you even bothering with a 2006 game" argument isn't valid here. Why you ask? Because it's the ONLY [you can check up on this] latest Tony Hawk and/or skateboarding game on PC to date. Honestly. Nothing else has been ported and therefore, this was my only option without going to the consoles.

That said, this game isn't utter crap as some would say. Like I said, akin to Dynasty Warriors, you can be surprised how fun it is to get high combo scores in multiplayer. But if you're playing this game ALONE, this is what you're in for: poor story mode, frustrating goals, uninspired dialogue/drive, and a fast one-way trip to boredom/frustration land. Honestly the game does so many things wrong in the story mode I don't even want to begin. In addition, the poor PC optimization goes even far enough to make joystick setup a pain in the butt.

All in all, this game isn't hard to review. It's not like I expected an enthralling story mode anyway. Play it for what you know it's good for: a scene with at least one friend.