While it now is free-roaming and has BMX, it lacks what made the Underground series fun.

User Rating: 9 | Tony Hawk's American Wasteland PS2
So when I get this I say, "okay cool, new series." I was wrong, as I said in my last review, THUG only has two entries, but American Wasteland had enough cameos from THUG that made me figure out this is the third game.

The story is unrealistic and first few cutscenes are told in comic books, which confused me and wasn't needed in the game. The story starts weak, but seems they wanted it like that to build it up. You start in Kentucky or some other town and choose a starter character. You meet some annoying woman and end up in Hollywood. You get robbed, a girl named MIndy helps you out and changes your look and such, you get back your stuff, and head off to a skate ranch. You meet Iggy, who owns the place, and Mindy wants you to get pieces for a skate park. I don't want to say any spoilers though.

Same old stuff from the first besides doing tricks from off your board, like wall-flips and flips. When your not doing ridiculous stunts to get crap for a ranch, your doing tricks as realistic as ever. Freak Out is now easier to max out. Wallplants and Sticker Slaps are combined, according to an NPC named Useless Dave. Then there are the fake celeb names like Ben Whooflak and Ashley Lisdale. It's as if iCarly came to skate as well. Then BMX is a breath of fresh air and a rush. Flips are easier to do. Unique tricks. But then there are about 10 or 12 tricks. Which is sad.

Better than THUG2, but still hazy and faces are expressionless. Sky is all blue. Some NPCs look like puke. Then clothing is cool looking and fun to try out. Hair is the same crap. Deck Graphics are cool and the improved tagging system is cooler than before.

Pretty good, but lacks what made the THUG series fun, and really doesn't follow the series besides in cameos.