This game did a nice job, but not qutie to Skate It. If you're looking for a skating game, Tony Hawk Ride, fits the bill

User Rating: 7 | Tony Hawk Ride WII
It was a good game. here is my pros and cons

Overall it was enjoyable but $120.00, OH MY MOTHER******* GOD

Controls on the board work most of the time
Maunals are great
Visuals are sharp
Soundtrack was good
Miis skating is great

No Wi-Fi online play or leaderboards
Menus are good, but lack Awesomeness
Some of the controls don't work propertly
One of the most steepest learning curves of all time.
Could the price be $90.00 instead of $120.00

Good job Tony Hawk, you made me happy, you should be proud to have the name but EA Skate still have the gold skateboard and you Silver. I did enjoy your game, but if it weren't for the controls and bad presentation, I would give this a 8.0, but even with the fun, this one is just a very solid 7.0. Nothing to be shame off, Tony Hawk, Nothing to be a shame off