Tony Hawk Ride is one of the worst games i have ever played.

User Rating: 3.5 | Tony Hawk Ride WII
Tony Hawk Ride is the next series in the infamous Tony Hawk series. This time Ride includes a skateboard peripheral that uses foot based controls. How did Ride do? Here is the review.

The Good - The board is very durable and can hold a pretty heavy person, and a great soundtrack, manuals feel good.

The Bad - Very expensive, every time you start to play a challenge or anything that has to do with actually playing you have to set the settings to Goofy or Regular (which is very annoying), graphics are the worst on the Wii, very steep learning curve, gameplay modes are short, long loading times, horrible menu organization, board doesn't respond to the tricks you do about 80% of the time, you will most likely play casual difficulty when you play the game, hardcore difficulty is way too hard to experienced players.

Overall Tony Hawk has again made a horrible game that feels rushed, stripped, broken, and hard to play. Now I'm stuck with this game until Skate 3 comes out and its going to be awesome. Tony Hawk Ride gets a 3.5 out of 10.