Don't waste your time or money!!

User Rating: 1.5 | Tony Hawk Ride WII
This game is horrible.. the skateboard controller doesn't work the way it should its not responsive, not only that the game itself is repetitive and boring. its easy to do simple tricks though sometimes impossible to jump. the only fun i had was in the half-pipe and it was not worth it. there is no option to use regular system controller (dual-shock 3 etc..) I'm glad i was able to get best buy to exchange for gift card. don't waste your time don't waste your 120$ use it to buy 2 good games like Assassins Creed 2 or MW:2 or Skate 2 if you feel the urge for a skateboarding game..Shame on you Tony hawk you should have known better. just another money grab from Activision pushing there junk.. you would think that someone would have stopped this from making it to shelves or delayed it until they could get it to work properly.. don't say i didn't warn you.. this is a horrible game the worst i have ever played!