Fairly good Tomb Raider adventure, but don't set out on an expedition just to find a copy, check the bargain bins though

User Rating: 6 | Tomb Raider: Underworld X360
Just finished Tomb Raider: Underworld, I am not well versed in the franchise, I played some of the old PS1 games and the demo for "Legend", oh yeah, and I've seen the movies. Yet, even though I haven't plyed most of the games, I've always had a fascination with the series, or rather Miss. Lara Croft herself who really is one of the all time great video game characters, and arguably the best video game heroine, she looks great, unbelievably sexy without overexaggerated physique and very skimpy clothing, she kicks ass like no other famle video game character, and she is awesome. Tomb Raider: Underworld is a fine TR adventure, though it has some issues not to mention it is the glitchiest game I've played in years. The glitches I encountered were numerous, like falling through objects, I tried to jump and land on a pillar but went straight through it, like it was a hallucination, in other places I got stuck, and Lara would sometimes not grab onto ledges. One glitch even froze the game, just as a cutscene was about to be triggered I died and that forced me to replay major parts of a mission that took me close to an hour, very annoying. Also, I experienced a loading glitch, but the glitches do not break the game in any way, you just notice weird stuff and it can be annoying or sometimes funny, one big monster killed me, and when I respawned, he was just a floating head stuck in place, very strange indeed.

But the game is fun and good, solid platforming adventure through and through. It's not terribly special, save for when you finally acquire Thor's hammer, which is awesome and crazy powerful, the environments are beautiful, the game as a whole looks great. Some puzzles can be confusing and looking for stuff you need can be more time consuming than necessary, combat is pretty lousy, but as I mentioned before it becomes really fun near the end with the hammer. I appreciate the norse mythology being tied into the game, I thought that was pretty cool. There aren't that many levels in the game but they are huge and should take you quite some time to finish, save for a few early ones. The game can be kind of bland but you want to finish it, it is decent and I am a big fan of Lara Croft. You can find this game crazy cheap, so you may want to consider checking it out, or you could wait for the upcoming Tomb Raider reboot which looks spectacular.