Tomb Raider: Underworld

User Rating: 8.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
Tomb Raider: Underworld was my first PS3 game. I've always been a big fan of Tomb Raider and I was so excited to try this out.

*Gameplay 8.5/10
Great gameplay, very fun and new things added up to it, but it also has so many glitches which makes this fun game sometimes annoying.
You've got your dual pistols and then you can chose frpm the menu other weapons (which aren't infinite) like shotgun, machine-gun etc.
Jumping around, performing head-shots, driving a motorbike and exploring makes the game exciting.

*Graphics 8.5/10
Graphics are stunning, it sometimes suffers from small detailed thing or shadows but things looks amazing, Lara looks great. The huge world made me want to see more, the sea, jungle, tombs etc are so nice to see.

*Sound 8/10
All characters sound good. The background music sounds great, puts you in the atmosphere and sometimes (rarely) it doesn't, a little mixed.

*Value 7/10
You mite find yourself wanting to revisit or completing certain achievements but after that there isn't any replay value. I feel like Tomb Raider needs to start having some extra content to make the whole game more worth and fun.

*Tomb Raider: Underworld Final Score 8.5/10
It's another great entry which adds more freedom and nicer graphics, it does lack from replay value but it's worth playing. Story is interesting like any other Tomb Raider.
-The new installment/reboot mite just be the one that put's Tomb Raider above Uncharted which is were it belongs.