I was shocked... I never would've thought that Tomb Raider could be awful... But it is.

User Rating: 4.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS2
I would not believe if somebody would say to me, that there will come Tomb Raider game, that is more awful than Angel of Darkness...
This game never should've been released in the first place. Second, this is a black mark on whole Tomb Raider franchise. And I'm talking only about the PlayStation 2 version of the game.

Presentation: 6/10

The menu system in this game is awful. It really is a mess and it feels like it's designed only for the PC version. (and I'm sure it is).
The loading screens are nothing special, but they're not bad. The story is great. It continues the story of Legend, and together they make the best Tomb Raider story.

Visuals: 3/10

This is the part that really shocked me, because even colors are very pale. The light is so unnatural, that in times many objects simply are looking white. The cutscenes are perfect example of poor transition from one game version to other. Many of the location decorations are gone, most objects have non-existent textures, and so on... It's just really, really bad...

Sound: 5/10

The music is good just because it's straight from the PC version, but some huge parts of levels could be spent in complete silence. The voice acting and other sound effects are in bad quality, but the voice acting itself is pretty good.

Gameplay: 2/10

This is the worst part. First of all - the camera makes me mad every time I even think about it. It sometimes makes Lara impossible to navigate. Many moves of the PC version are ripped off, so now the game is mostly running long corridors of jungle, caves and so on. Non-existent combat does'nt make things any better. Like graphics, this is bad...

Overall: 4,5/10

I think this game deserves better, but actually, it should not even exist. At least PlayStation 2 version. Don't play this game, because neurons don't regenerate.