very buggy. I've given up on TR/LC.

User Rating: 4 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
After playing TR from the very first one, I had hoped the franchise would grow with the technology. I had very high hopes for the first ps3 game. Instead it seems the formula - including the bugs have stayed the same. The graphic have improved immensely, but that is not enough.
As in all of the series, there are walls you can walk/fall through - sometimes fun, but most often cause death.
I was mostly enjoying my romp through the world even though sometimes enemies would reappear after being triggered, just by walking around the same spot. The game crashed twice, but that was acceptable, although annoying. What made me stop playing this series is the unrecoverable bug in Land of the Dead. Items disappeared from my inventory making it impossible to continue the game. I tried to be resourceful and go back and redo the level, but that was also impossible since needed ledges disappeared the first time around.
I've looked around online, and I see there are several MAJOR bugs that were allowed to be released. I've given up on TR/LC.