Underworld feels uninspired, it's like no one cares what happens to Lara anymore, this can't keep up with Uncharted.

User Rating: 6 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
I think it's safe to say that the Lara Croft series is best left untouched.
Tomb Raider: Underworld is uninspired, boring, and doesn't feel like the developers were even trying.
It's such a shame because we all know that Lara can offer so much more.
I'll start with the graphics. They're good if you dig that everything looks like a cartoon. I think they could have opted to make Tomb Raider look real and stunningly beautiful instead of a plainly cartoon adventure.
The environments look much better than Lara does unfortunately.
The gameplay can get very frustrating alot of the time. There's not a whole lot to do and it's all quite boring.
Many a time you will die a cheap, horrible, frustrating death, get lost, or just throw the controller down in frustration.
Constantly I hoped that Tomb Raider would offer something more but alas, it didn't...
The shooting is cool sometimes. Lots of flipping and jumping around but it can get tiresome because flipping and jumping around is the only thing you can do when you're shooting someone. They take a while to die and will be shooting at you so there's not much choice to either flip all over the place like a retarded monkey or run backwards and forwards.
Weapons feel uninspired and boring.
Puzzles are so so, alot of them are frustrating because you get lost or just simply don't know what to do because something isn't marked well enough. You can go into the pause menu and Lara can tell you the task at hand and how to complete it but suprisingly, sometimes, this doesn't change anything. It's much the same as Tomb Raider: Legend but worse.
You have the same 4 inventory items that you control with the directional buttons, like the torch which can used when you're in a dark place (duh).
Voice acting is average for a video game. Lara is charming as always.
I don"t feel that there's much left to say about Underworld.
By no means should it be bought, except maybe Tomb Raider fanatics. And even then, it should be considered a rental.
But if you REALLY REALLY enjoyed Legend then this should appeal to you more, but be aware it is not as good.
In the end Tomb Raider: Underworld just feels like a dead game with not much to offer but frustration and annoyance.
With massive competition like Uncharted out there I'm afraid to say that Tomb Raider is doomed to die, especially if it continues like this.