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User Rating: 9.5 | Tomb Raider: Anniversary WII
When the original Tomb Raider came out over a decade ago it was too big for the PC i had back then. The game seemed very interesting to me, but back then i was enjoying the donkey kong games on the SNES.
10 years later this remake comes along so on the wii and it's great. Probably even better then the original. I had already played Tomb Raider Legend on the gamecube, but the levels in Anniversary are much bigger. It's tomb after tomb. After each puzzle along comes another. There are some ennemies and animals to fight, but mostly it's about figuring where to go or what to do. I loved it. The sense of discovering things was better then in Legend. The levels are much more connected to each other.
In the wii-version some puzzles are slightly changed, aquiring you to draw something and you get to use the wiimote as a hammer and other tools.
You move around with the nunchuk which you also have to shake to use a grappling-hook.
This is a great 3th party title for all those wii-owning Lara-loving adventurers out there. Highly recommended!