Overlooked classic for Genesis.

User Rating: 8.4 | Tom Mason's Dinosaurs for Hire GEN
There are not many games on any system that puts the player in a situation such as this... dinosaurs armed with enormous guns blowing away ninjas, giant robots, monsters, terrorists, ghosts, and aliens. Being placed in these situations is pretty much the whole story here. At the start-up you can pick three different characters, and each are given a short biography... a leather jacket clad Tyrannosaurus Rex named Archie, an eye-patch wearing Stegosaurus named Reese, or a Hawaiian shirt wearing Triceratops named Lorenzo.

Playing the game is pretty simple, just point and shoot. You can also attack enemies with your tail if you let them get close to your character.

Onto the graphics, everything looks pretty good for a typical Genesis game. I can't really think of anything that has jumped out at me as "looking horrible." One of the few thing that bugs me is how the enemies and bosses violently flash while being hit, this can look awful when the character is taking up half the screen. Not much of a complaint, I know.

The music and sound are good, nothing really annoying except for several of the same sounds being used for a lot of different things and the music being repeated in different levels. Also not much of a complaint.

Overall this game is simple and fun, and combines almost every element you could want in an action game aimed to appeal to 12 year olds (that's when I started playing it, and haven't stopped in 11 years since!) It is definitely worth a try if you ever find a copy.