Splinter Cell one is definitally one the best games out there.

User Rating: 8.9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PS2
Splinter Cell one is quite possibly the best Splinter Cell yet and although it has some flaws such as the shooting it makes up for it with its fun and addictive gameplay it has some decent weapons with some helpful attachments and the AI though repetitive is sometimes challenging.

Splinter Cell is a fantastic game with a wide range of places to hide and information to collect although some missions may get frustaiting but that doesnt change the fact that this is one of the best stealth games out there.

As mentioned earlier the shooting is one of not very many flaws for example sometimes if you shoot an enemy in the head they wont die with just one shot but if your stealthy enough you wont need your gun so much.

I highly recommend this game to any who is a fan of stealth games.