Fun game, but too short

User Rating: 7.3 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Extended Ops MOBI
With only six mjissions, and less than two hours of gameplay, it's easy to see why I say it's too short. Yet it's uniquely SC gameplay, wherein you get caught if an enemy looks in your direction, and the various ways you can stop this from happening, either by knocking guards out, sniping them, sneaking past them, blowing up security cams or evading them, makes it a fun diversion while it lasts. The graphics are good, and it has a checkpoint save system and an in-game hint system, meaning it's quite forgiving. The missions may not be too varied, but the puzzles are fun to solve while they last. The main problem is the controls, which tend to get you killed more than necessary. You can't run, you walk too slowly, your duck is more like a slight kneebend, and the controls tend to foul up right when needed the most, like when climbing or such. Those gunturrets are more liable to shoot you then because you didn't move when you pressed the button. Still, for the most part, they don't detract much.