So far the best stealth game to date!

User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials PSP
well the first main thing i have to say is people who say this game is bad its not its the best there is nothing wrong with the camera just because you hold the o button mean thisgameis bad and i didn't find the levels so dark.well now onto the game good story, good graphics,nice sound with the headphones and this game is way better then syphon filter period
the story dosent seem so bad the only thing that made it bad was the 2 double agent missions (spoilers) the first one wich was too short and simple was you have to change your voice on the computer because moss recorded you with lambert talking outside so you just have to change your voice to moss voice wich is plain and simpal the other one is Emil calling you on the spekers telling you to come to the interrogation there you find lambert were the choice decision comes in well not a choice decision because you HAVE to kill Lambert i repeat you HAVE to kill if you miss Emil, moss, or Jamey (i forgot) kills you with one bullet which is a pain (finish spoilers) other than that this is the best game ever its not better than metal gear solid PO but these 2 games are even
the only thing that will make metal gear solid better is when MGS:PO plus comes out which im waiting for so if you want stealth,good action,nice moves,and splinter cell you HAVE to buy splinter cell essentials no matter what and if your thinking of getting MGS:PO you should get that too with splinter cell essentials