Sam Fisher never looked better.

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent PS3
When I first purchased SCDA for the Xbox360, I got a thrill ride experiencing Sam's latest adventure. I unfortunetly sold my Xbox360 and games for the PS3 (I just can't have two consoles). Anyway this edition of Splinter Cell is great just like the 360 counterpart. Everyone knows the story so I'll get to the gameplay, which is great, especially with the use of the sixaxis control. Sam's movements never felt better, as it's fluid and well controlled. One issue in almost everyone's mind is the framerate. I must have the perfect copy cause I hardly experienced any dips, and the ones I did I also experienced it on the Xbox360. Some areas I admit are a little slower but hardly noticeable. As far as graphics, I don't know if it's because I have a quality HDTV, but I see this game better than the Xbox360. Now before I get negative remarks, let me tell you why. The 360 looks beautiful, but the colors are stong and loud and the lighting is too dark. Now I know this supposed to give the game more detail and resolution, but it also makes it look cartoony. The PS3 graphics on the other hand tends to be less loud and more natural looking giving the game that cinematic look. The colors are less pronounced, and the lighting is brighter making certain scenes in the game look a little washed out, but the developers deliberately did this to give the game that cinematic look. As far as less detail, like less objects or people on screen, maybe that's what helped the framerate a little, but it's no big deal, not like everyone puts it. Is this game a bad port? not at all. If you love Splinter Cell and never got this next gen edition, then by all means get this great game. Ignore all those Xbox360 users who have nothing better to do than criticize and bash the so called bad framerate dilema. The reason why this game deserves a 9 in my view is because it's the same game on the Xbox360 but with better graphics. Go ahead do your comparison and don't go by those ugly low quality video clips you see in these websites. Like I said if you have a high quality HDTV you will see and appreciate the difference.