Splinter Cell Double Agent is a good stealth game but it is not as good as chaos theory

User Rating: 7 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
Splinter Cell Double Agent is a good stealth game but it is not as good as chaos theory the multiplayer has been improved since the previous games but apart from that the game is good just not as good as the previous games.

Graphics for a 2006 game are good not great but good all the levels look good some of the levels are in sunny locations there is some like the old games but this one has got alot more day light levels than the previous games but the levels look good there all detailed nicely and the character animation is not bad it is good for 2006 overall the graphics are good not the best but still very good.

Gameplay is much like the previous games but this one is alot more easier than the others you can go through the levels with stealth and just going through the levels shooting but you go through the level either way the stealth is just as fun the shooting is better but the stealth is not as good as chaos theory the controls are easy there not complicated all the weapons from the other games are in this one there is not really any new ones overall the game plays really good the stealth is not as good but still good but the shooting is a bit better but not enough to make a whole lot better.

Story is just like the other ones they never really that good there just normal for the type of game they are but it is good for what it is.

Replay there is some replay in the game there is the online which is alright it is better than the previous game you can play it a different way but the online is good the campaign is about 9 or more hours long overall there is some replay in the game the online is good but there is not much else.

the Good

good graphics
good gameplay
ok story
some replay
good choice system

the Bad

easier than the previous games
not very long
the stealth is not as good

Graphics 7.0/10.0

Gameplay 7.5/10.0

Story 7.0/10.0

Replay 7.0/10.0

Multiplayer 7.5/10.0

Length 7.0/10.0

______________ Overall 7.5/10.0 _________________ Good
overall not as good as chaos theory but still a very good stealth game to play and better multiplayer.