A solid game that brings life to a stale franchise

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
After playing the first 3 Splinter cell games many believed that this was a soon dead franchise. Weak story lines, repetitive game play, and lack luster enemies riddled the series. However Double Agent gives the series a well deserved kick in the pants. Right from the start it's classic SC but with every level the game play changes. One mission you are breaking out of prison and the next you are sneaking through a sky scraper. And by far the best part of the game is the fact that you must play both sides while the game forces you to make decisions that will align you to one. I feel this game is so under appreciated because right from the start it got little media attention and quickly gained a low retail price at many game stores. It's defiantly worth the buy and not a one time play and trade game either. This game has epic replay value and hours of challenge and fun.