Sam Fisher's story goes far deeper than it's predicessors, but in the end it's pretty overrated.

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
Presentation - 8.0: The mechanics of the game aren't explained to well, and some levels are better than others, but once you get the hang of this it can get pretty enjoyable.

Gameplay - 8.5: The Controls can be a little awkward at times, but overall the stealth action is great and can get really great at times.

Sound - 8.5: The sound design is excellent with a few hitches here and there, and the voice work is great. the soundtrack is a bit of a dower compared to the previous installments

Graphics - 9.0: The graphics are really good for the most part, but the occasional frame rate dips are ugly.

Campaign - 8.0: The campaign for me was around 7 - 8 hours and some levels ere definately better than others, and the overall flow gets pretty bad later on. I like the way things were left at the end.