It is a good game but do not play it on PS3 platform because there is a big framerate issue.

User Rating: 2 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent PS3
Splinter Cell game is a good game but SC Double Agent for PS3 is a disappointment beacuse of framerate issues. While you are playing the game on PS3 system, you feel like you are on a 99 model PC. There is a big framerate issue and it makes the game unplayable and boring. I follow this game series and had never played like this before.

As a big game firm, UBISOFT, how can they release this game on markets? I am wondering that have not they tried the game before they release it. It is an embrassing situation for the UBISOFT. If you like stealth games, you absouletly play MGS series. MGS 4 was released only for PS3 platform. It is game one of the must plays. I am offering you not to buy this game for PS3 platform. If you have a powerful PC, you play this game on this system. I can easily give at least 8 point for PC platform but my point will be 2 for PS3.