One of the last great games of the original XBOX, a version even better than the XBOX 360, PC and PS3.

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent XBOX
With Double Agent the Splinter Cell series say good bye to the platform that saw it born in a great way.

Double Agent for XBOX features different level design than the same game for XBOX 360, PC and PS3 this changes were made for good and turned out to be even better.

Levels are bigger, and even more detailed, for graphics is one of the most detailed XBOX games, runs smooth and plays great.

The storyline is the same as other versions, this version lacks of some missions featured in seventh generation versions, but tha fact taht the levels are bigger makes gives this version much more value.

I waited to write this review after i got the XBOX 360 or PC version in order to see the differences, i can only say that you should play both of them since they are two differetn games with the same plot, but if you're only willing to play one and only one version, grab this one.

If you already own it on XBOX 360, PC or PS3, then grab this one, you'll be amazed of how superior this version is, and how capable of running great games the original XBOX was.