Revenge is a dish best served by Sam Fisher!

User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (Collector's Edition) X360
In Splinter Cell: Conviction, Sam Fisher's humanity is demolished, leaving nothing but an emotionally frail and agitated shell of a man. He lost his daughter. Everyone he trusted betrayed him. He's teetering on the edge of madness, and his thirst for revenge is the only thing driving him.

Sounds Awesome right, if you say its Awesome you are right, if you didnt, man whats wrong with you.

The Story:
Splinter Cell: Conviction has been in the making for 3 years now and man it has been worth the wait. the story is where Sam is looking for the killer of his daughter, because she's dead. or is she? I'll let you find that out but there are alot of twists in the story, and the brutal torture scenes are Awesome and could be one of the best parts of the game. there is also a coop story its not as long but it is epic as well, its a pre-quel to fully help understand whats really going on, but you dont have to play it if you dont want to, it just helps.

The Multiplayer:
the multiplayer has plenty of modes to play but the best(to me) one is "Terrorist Hunt".Man that its so dang addicting, you get to customize your character, and choose your favorite gun.

The gameplay has changed alot. No more all-the-way-sneking or game over, now you can go about it how ever you want do you want to be stealthy or go in gun blazing,( all though its mainly stealth wich is good) The best new thing that has been added is the mark and exicute, you mark you enemys ( RB ) and then pressing the exicute button( Y ) and then Sam kills them, dont call this a Win botton, you have to ern the abilitty by getting a stealth kill. Other game developer's this is how you use cover, this has the best cover sistem i have ever used!

An action/stealth hybrid with pitch-perfect pacing and one heck of a story.

The environments are beautifully rendered, and Sam's animations are killer.

Sam's gravelly tones are fueled by emotion, and backed by a surprisingly powerful score. And the soundtrak is amazing and adds an extra lair of suspens to the moment.

I never once had to fuss with the controls. The stealth mechanics are easy to embrace, and the gunplay offers razor-sharp precision.

A satisfying conclusion to Sam Fisher's tale coupled with one of gaming's most rewarding co-op experiences.

High. The campain might only be 6 hours long but the is alot of replay value and a harder dificulty.

The Story:

The Multiplayer:






The verdict
9.7/10 Outstanding!

Note: if you have a problem with the F word you might want to think about getting the because there are f words in this.