It's entertaining enough to play it once.

User Rating: 7 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist PC

- Diverse map locations and terrain. City structures, mountains, a stadium, Guantanamo Bay, and more.

- A variety of customizable weapons, gadgets, and armor allow for different game styles.

- Realistic combat mechanics and game physics

- Fun platforming is essential for stealth tactics

- Interesting main story.

- Interesting SP / Coop side mission. Charlie's missions are essentially trials in which you have to defeat waves of enemies on a map. Every wave is more challenging than the last.


- No replay value due to linear plot and linear missions. Multiple playthroughs do not offer new experiences.

Also, a limitation in Charlie's missions cut the game short. Once the player opts to be extracted from a mission after defeating 5 or 10 waves of enemies, there's no option to go back and replay it for more waves, even though the maximum is 20 waves. If I had that option, I would be spending a lot more time in this game, since Charlie's trial missions are a lot of fun. It would be even better if the game had an entirely separate game mode for trials.

- Game is glitchy!

Flash grenades and tear gas often malfunction and have no effect on enemies.

Tapping the use button while waiting for an enemy behind a door may result in closing the door instead of grabbing the enemy for a stealthy take-down.

Overall this is a solid but disposable 3rd person shooter.