i'm impressed

User Rating: 10 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist PC
i never regret purchasing this game it is amazing and spectacular the story is good but spies vs mercs .... rooooooocks

p.s : a lot of people said that this game is not like conviction in gameplay at all
bullshit this game is very good indeed and it has very a lot of good new stuff that been add to it and make it very easy to play and make it lock better too

about spies and mercs :

that was very very nice multiplayer mode and it is totally different from other splintercell multiplayer modes i loved the cloack thing yeahhhh man i killed a lot of people with this off course we can't forget the fu**** knife ohhh my god

bad things:
they forget to look at the past of this game they don't know that they forget to
put the old moves like head jump and climb a wall with two ligs on each side (can't express the idea)
worst of all bad things is the voice of the new charcter WTF !!!!!
are you series this is not even right the voice if sam fisher is gone
why in the hell would any one do that
any way that did't put us down the game still like we love it but with (bad things) huh seriously it is nice game

thanks to ubisoft and tom clancy's team