This is one great experience that no Tom Clancy fan should go without. It actually has the greatest cover system ever...

User Rating: 9.7 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas X360
This is by far the greatest, GREATEST rainbow six game ever made. That is one heck of an acomplishment if you go back and look at the rich history this franchise has had. As long as you dont look at lockdown, there is really no other blemish to the series. Now to the review. The single player is a tested and true method of seeking out and killing terrorist before they either kill a hostage, or blow up some sort of building. It is great and the grapics will keep you coming back for more. That is of course if you don't have xbox live. The persistant elite creation is very well done and rewards you just for playing the game whether or not you succeed every time. This is great for begginners and for pros considering how long it takes to achieve the rank of elite. New downloadable content and constant patches mean that Ubisoft means business about keeping this a great online experience. As far as the difficulty goes, as long as you have a brain and slight hand eye coordination skills, you can excel at this game. Guns are very balanced and actually shoot according to their real life counterparts. It's true, and if you don't believe me, just watch a couple episodes of futerweapons to see some of these guns in action. Ok, to keep it short there is one last thing I have to, the cover system in this game alone should be reason enough to buy this game, it is that GOOD! Anyway, I sure hope that this review can help you make a good decision if you are debating whether or not to buy this game.