Rainbow Six Vegas 2 shines all its colours, in this realistic and immersive tactical shooter.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 PS3
You die in a few hits, enemies die in a few hits. Maybe a bit harsh on you, but the realism in this FPS is shown to great effect in almost every battle encountered throughout the game.
There are greatly detailed and varied environments, that hold great shootouts which must be solved tactically with your team if you wish to survive. The gameplay works perfectly, and you must control what your squad does, to find the best way of eliminating the opposition. Taking cover is vital throughout aswell.

Each shootout is held together with a great atmosphere, and there will be multiple ways to infiltrate your environments. You can order your squad to attack from the front, while you could sneak round and hit them from above. There is plenty of options, which can also offer some replay value to the game.

Unfortunately the immersion isn't sustained. This is down to no cutscenes. Sadly at the end of a mission it goes straight back to the loading screen without much information on what your doing next. The story lacks any interest, and the characters are nothing more than average. Despite these downsides, the FPS action is non-stop, and thoroughly exciting throughout, and makes Rainbow Six Vegas 2 a must-play.

Story - 1/5
Characters - 2/5
Gameplay - 4/5
Controls - 4/5
Graphics - 4/5
Sound - 4/5
Length - 3/5
Replayability - 3/5
Atmosphere - 4/5
Enemy AI - 5/5

Good Points: Great tactical action, Enemy AI tests your abilities, Non-stop action, Multiple ways to approach each shootout, Lots of varied locations, Immersive atmosphere throughout, Friendly AI proves useful, Very realistic.

Bad Points: Boring story and characters, No cutscenes.