It's not quite deserving of being considered Good, but enough to be fair game.

User Rating: 6.8 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PC
I always have a hard time understanding how people can give a game less credit than it truly deserves. While I agree with most people here that it somehow puts the Rainbow Six name to shame (as most of the pre-mission strategy planning is non-existant, save the weapon loadout), I don't beleive Lockout to be that bad.

Personally, I was never much for the whole planning phase at the beginning. I'm not much of a strategist. Used to just pick three teams and switch from noe to another and finished all the previous games this way.
So for me, the plannign phase wasn't really misse din this game.

Graphics are OK for a ported game.

Sound is good. I'm not too picky about this. Missions are very varied and I enjoyed the different locations.

AI wasn't much of a challenge, save for a couple situations and tight spots. I was able to almost take out 75-80% of bad guys with my characters(peeking helped a lot, almost too much) while the other 3 took out what I missed.

Gameplay overall felt more like a all-out shooter than a Tactical shooter. i mean seriously, over 100 bad guys per level. Just too much. You don't find over 100 terrorists taking a bank hostage. Previous games seemed to have much less, more realistic. Still fun though.

My final score is 6.9. It was totally worst 20$CND when I bought it. Still haven't finished it but I will. It's not quite deserving of being considered Good, but enough to be fair game.