Awsome Great Grpshics U won't be deceive by another great Rainbow Six Tactical shooter

User Rating: 9 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PC
I play It on a 1.6ghz athlon with a ati hd2600 with 1.5 ddr ram on windows Xp Media -- Full BLOWN !
awsome grafix and Pay only 20 $ for the game has it abit outdated -I'm a radical when playing on a pc I like to get game that came out a year or 2 back so they can be played full blown - WITH NO NEW TECHNOLOGy ISSUES !@!!

The only minus I found in this one was that you don't have has much weapon customization as the previous title Ex: You can't put a scope + a silencer on the M4 just one of the two will fit + they Forgot My favorite Heckler & Koch UMP45 snif snif bouhouhou - PS since when The steyr comes without a scope It is embeded in to the frame hello @@@@ !