Where has Rainbow Six gone and left us with this crap???

User Rating: 3 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PC
I bought this game after reading both reviews and I figured that maybe some people were being a little too heavy-handed....

But after running through a quick Terrorist-hunt this game is NOTHING like the others. They went from tactical, edge-of-your-seat-death-lurks-one-bullet-away gameplay to this run-n-gun rail shooter which doesn't even deserve to be in the Rainbow Series.

What UBI was thinking, I do not know, but clearly this is geared towards those people that can't seem to deal with athe original unforgiving games in this series. It's point, bad guy dies, point, bad guy stops to stare at your for a few meaningless seconds, bad guy dies... you get the idea.

The graphics are decient as with the flame effects and such, but other than that, all the weapons have the same feel (and boring sounds), terrorist AI is dumber than a bucket full of hair and the whole game feels like nothing but a consel-port that was slapped together to shut the PC fans up.

Sound is ok, nothing special but it gets the job done. But seriously, must all the weapons sound nearly identical?

Control is responsive as I'd expect, but I wish there was an auto-run option that's been in all the other titles.

Whoever said this was "best in series" is dead wrong, Rogue Spear was the best in series as most of us here would agree. Because then people actually died when you shot them, the missions were challenging and full of trigger-happy terrorists that actually knew how to handle their weapons.

Then we have RavenShield after that in which terrorists can stand there point blank infront of you and not die from your shots due to some piss-poor hit detection etc.

Then UBI releases an abortion of an arcade shooter on rails melded together with the Rainbow Series theme in which terrorists drop like flies and can't seem to hit the broad side of a barn, called Rainbow Six: Lockdown.

I'm very very un-impressed with this game and I seriously dobut that I'll be buying any more of the Rainbow Series shooters unless they go back to their roots, forget about the damn consel players and remember their loyal PC fans!

I mean c'mon enough with the trash already.